Recreational Vehicles (RVs)

CriteriaESSCABs      RVs     Comment
Heat-Vent-Air Cond (HVAC)Yes!Some typesMany different types of RVs, some have, some not.
Tornados, HurricanesYes!Heck NoAlways avoid vehicles when risk of very strong winds.
FloodingYes!Heck NoGet out of Dodge is the way to go.
Guest / Spare House, OfficeYes!No… not reallyThink of elderly, people using walkers, width of doors, steps, …
SaunaYes!NoAt least not yet seen any RV with sauna

RV: Class A (largest)6-826-45 ft longYesYesYes$150k+
RV: Class C (‘Class A sml’)4-621-35 ft longYesYesYes$80+
RV: Class B (smallest)2-324-30 ft longsml wetsml
RV: Fifth Wheel$40k+
RV: Pop Up4-6..$10k+
RV: Travel Trailer2-8..$20k+
RV: Truck Camper1-2$20k+

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